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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  October 19, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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educational and health services, financial services, information, even leisure and hospitality. >> reporter: in fact, the east bay gained 8200 jobs last month. that strong growth basically carried the bay area job market. that brings us to the next surprise. san francisco and san mateo counties lost 3500 jobs in september resulting in a lower overall bay area net job gain. >> there is a catch in all of this. >> among the job gains, many of them have been concentrated in lower wage jobs. >> reporter: that's why tens of thousands of people are still struggling. this employment development department was busy friday with people looking for work and for some, time has run out. like daniel landry, his unemployment benefits ran out in june. he has been looking for work for 2.5 years. >> it's been very difficult. it's something that, you know, like they say, you know, finding a job is a job.
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>> reporter: experts say avoid the construction and manufacturing sectors. they say those two industries keep losing jobs almost on a monthly basis. in the newsroom, i'm da lin, cbs 5. the jobs report in several swing states could help president obama. unemployment rates fell or held steady last month in nine key states. rates dropped in ohio, florida, wisconsin, colorado, iowa, nevada and north carolina. they were unchanged in new hampshire and virginia. still, many key states are facing high unemployment. today president obama accused mitt romney of moving to the middle deliberately forgetting about stands he took to win the nomination. the president coined a new medical term. cbs reporter tara mergener on mr. obama's diagnosis. reporter: president obama headed back to the campaign trail friday to rally supporters and try to sway undecided voters in virginia. he told the crowd at george
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mason university his opponent has a problem with changing positions on issues. >> we have to name this condition that he is going through. [ laughter ] >> i think -- i -- i -- i think it's called romnesia. [ laughter ] >> reporter: mitt romney and his running mate paul ryan are focusing on another battleground state, florida. thursday night, the two presidential candidates got a brief break from campaigning and had a little fun at each other's expense at the smith dinner in new york. >> in the spirit of sesame street the president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter o and the number 16 trillion. >> reporter: romney also took a swipe at the press. >> and i have already seen early reports from tonight's dinner. headlines: obama embraced by catholics. [ laughter ] >> romney dines with rich people. [ laughter ] >> reporter: the two candidates will spend the weekend hunkered down preparing for their third and final debate. president obama offered a little preview. >> monday's debate is a little bit different because the topic
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is foreign policy. spoiler alert: we got bin laden. [ laughter ] >> reporter: monday's debate will be voters' last chance to compare the two candidates side by side before election day. polls in those all-important battleground states show the race is tightening. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. millions of dollars are being spent to sway your vote. california's ballot initiatives are no exception. but as cbs 5 political reporter grace lee tells us, not always clear who is writing the checks. reporter: no, it's not. two of the best funded ballot measures are proposition 30, that's the governor's tax initiative, and proposition 32 which would ban payroll deductions for political purposes. now, both are getting a lot of attention because there is so much money involved. this election 290 million has been spent on 11 ballot initiatives. props 30 and 32 got the most a combined $197 million out of that $290 million.
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and now an unknown group from out of state is contributing millions. it's spurring all kinds of political pushing, especially from governor brown. reporter: governor brown will be working through the weekend stuffing for his own tax initiative proposition 30 which would raise the sales tax a quarter percent and increase state income tax on the rich. >> have you seen the surveys? there are four separate polls that show the margin is 10 to 12%. that's the way it is today and between now and election day we'll make the difference. >> reporter: the governor was in burbank today. tomorrow he will be here in san francisco hoping that his personal campaigning will make the difference. and he may need it. there is a new multi-million dollar effort to defeat his cause. the nonprofit americans for responsible leadership from arizona has just donated $11 million. it's an effort to kill prop 30 and support prop 32, the initiative which prohibits payroll deductions for
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political purposes. >> the media has called on them to reveal the source of the money. >> reporter: california common cause is filing a complaint because the source of the massive campaign contribution is not clear. >> $11 million doesn't just drop out of the sky out of nowhere. it does not pass the test that suddenly this level of money appears in california from an organization with no track record here. >> reporter: so common cause says it has been digging into the background of that arizona nonprofit and they believe it was incorporated by a group associated with the billionaire oil baron charles and david koch as well as karl rove's super park american crossroads. i'm sure more is to come. i'm grace lee, cbs 5. the pursuit only lasted a matter of seconds. but in that time, shots were fired at san francisco police.
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an innocent driver was injured in the collision. as cbs 5 reporter don knapp reports, police are still trying to find the man responsible. don. >> reporter: that's right, liz. police say what happened here is a good example of how seemingly routine things can go really bad in a hurry and in this case a lot of things went bad but the surprising thing is everyone lived to tell about it. reporter: what's most amazing about this crash involving a cadillac t-boned by a taxi is that nobody got seriously hurt. this despite an amazing series of dangerous events following an attempted police traffic stop around 2 a.m. >> the vehicle again suddenly stopped. they heard a gunshot. they are assuming it came from the vehicle. the police stopped. the car fled down eddy street at a high rate of speed. once the officers caught back up to the car at some point they saw the collision. >> reporter: on the ground all around the crashed cadillac were dozens of cds and an officer on the scene earlier in the day suggested that the person they were looking for may be an oakland rap musician. but later in the day police would only say they don't know
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the identity of the missing driver. using one of the names print on the cd, cbs 5 followed tweets that suggested the musician had been here in oakland last evening at the club anton near jack london square. our calls were not returned. we have no information linking the cd to anyone involved in the shooting and crash. police have the passenger in custody and are still looking for the driver of the cadillac. the driver of the taxi received a nonlife-threatening injury to his hand. >> i don't know why they ran. maybe because they had a gun in the car? they could be wanted. given all the things that could have gone wrong, i think this was pretty good. >> reporter: we found a lot of these cds on the ground this evening and supposedly the people in the car may have been promoting these but if getting them on television was this idea, well, it's probably not exactly what they had in mind. reporting live in san francisco, don knapp, cbs 5. other bay area headlines tonight. a stabbing late this afternoon
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on muni. a 6 parnassus bus, the passenger got into an argument with the driver. when a city worker intervened, the passenger stabbed him in the neck with scissors. that victim was taken to the hospital with nonlife- threatening injuries. the attacker was arrested. the san jose police department has arrested one of its own. officer jeffrey enslen is suspected of committing grand theft. this after the department conducted a nine-month internal investigation into time sheet fraud. enslen has been placed on administrative leave. a quick reminder to those of you -- for those of you in 408. starting tomorrow you will need to dial the area code when making local calls because the new 669 area code is being added to the region. this affects people in santa clara county and parts of alameda and santa cruz counties, as well. no matter which area code you live in, 408 or 669, you will first need to dial 1. it wouldn't just change the
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san francisco skyline. the plans for a building that would reign tallest on the west coast. >> speaking of rainfall, we are going to have some of that soon. the last time we have had a widespread .25" rainfall in the bay area, six months ago. april 25th. it's not raining yet but i'll let you know when it will be in your forecast coming up. >> then meteorite hunters searching for treasure in all the wrong places. the new area scientists say they should be looking. ,,,,,,
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happening now, a traffic mess in the south bay. a jackknifed big rig overturned and is spilling diesel fuel on northbound 101 in san jose. one lane is closed as crews try to keep the spilled fuel from pouring into storm drains and other lanes of traffic north of 13th street. in addition to the one lane closed and on-ramp to northbound 101 is also closed,
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right now there's no estimated time when the lane and the on- ramp will reopen. san francisco's planning commission approved some plans for the city's tallest building. and what would be the tallest building on the west coast. thursday's decision gives the green light for the new 61- story transbay terminal tower. it will stand at first and mission streets reach 1,070 feet high. that's more than 200 feet taller than the transamerica building. >> wow. it's a whole new commute for thousands of bay area workers. >> yup. they are part of a new generation of employees who are being driven to and from work on corporate buses. cbs 5's mike sugerman reports. reporter: mass transit isn't always public transit. every day hundreds of huge bus transport a mass of people from san francisco to the silicon valley. workplaces like google, yahoo and the like.
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but they certainly aren't public. >> companies themselves are a little cagey about where those routes are. it can be a contentious issue. >> reporter: eric sees these big buses all over the city and like the rest of us knew nothing about them except that they seemed rather plush and efficient, very much unlike public transit. >> it's a kind of hiding in plain sight situation where, you know, the buses are two stories high and 80 feet long so it's not hard to find them. >> reporter: eric runs a design firm, stay men. and it was commissioned to create a piece of art for a san jose arts nonprofit celebrating 50 years of silicon valley. and so the silicon valley bus map was born. >> so we took a cue from harry beck's london 2 map and the new york city subway map is similar and simplified the routes and turned it into something that was able to read where people were getting on and off. >> reporter: there was no published information. it's too new so they had to start from scratch. he hired bike messengers to follow each bus to determine the routes.
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they made maps, they took hundreds of pictures, and from this art project came the first study of the controversial buses. >> the thing that surprised me the most is how extensive it was. i thought it was just a little mission in downtown situation. >> reporter: nope. by his count, more than 7,000 people jump on these elite coaches every day. that's a full one-third the number that rides caltrain to the peninsula. >> could it be changing the very landscape of what san francisco is? people are choosing where they live and how they play and where they work, this becomes part of that decision-making process. >> reporter: it has started all sorts of conversations which is what art at its best is supposed to do. and this is a very good example of art that really does move us. mike sugerman, cbs 5. a young pakistani activist gunned down by the taliban is out of a coma. the first words she said when she woke up. next.
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>> then, and out of the box approach teaching kids about healthy living. in tonight's healthwatch, the hands-on lessons kids are learning. ,, don't miss your chance to get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on the best brand-name mattress sets. but hurry! the best rest event ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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is making amazing progress. is out of a coma... that pakistani teenager who survived a gunshot wound to the head is making amazing progress tonight. the teenager is out of a coma and on her feet 10 days after the taliban tried to assassinate her. doctors in england say malala remembers being on her school bus in pakistan and then waking up in a hospital in a foreign country. >> one of the first things she asked the nurses was which country she's in. she is doing very well. in fact, she was standing with
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some help for the first time this morning. >> malala has some damage to her brain and her injuries suggest that she was shot from above at point-blank range. it will be at least a couple of weeks before they can start rebuilding her skull. but first, they need to get rid of the infection that was caused by the bullet. the doctors say that she knows about the worldwide attention she is getting and is grateful for all the support. a new exhibit at the california museum in sacramento is turning the concept of health on its head. they address it in a kid- friendly manner. dr. kim paid them a visit. reporter: with a cut of the ribbon, dora the explorer is off on her latest quest to see what californians can do to make the goal en state healthier.
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>> our culture needs to change. >> reporter: through a series of kid-friendly games, visitors learn about health beyond their doctor visits. >> most people associate health with the doctor's office. it happens where you live. it happens in your community. it happens in your school. it happens where you work. >> reporter: you learn how to make better choices at the grocery store. the school cafeteria, the vending machine. >> a little soda goes a long way. >> good job for you. >> reporter: you work as a team to better your community. see how your zip code can predict how long you'll live. >> you will live to be 80 years old. >> can play a game. >> reporter: making it fun to learn seems to be working. just ask 3-year-old sabrina. what did you learn? >> don't drink too much. >> reporter: what happens if you drink too much soda? >> you'll get sick. >> reporter: if you think topics like food access, urban
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sprawl and social equity are too hefty for this crowd, think again. >> kids are going to change california and kids are our hope. >> reporter: now, the exhibit examines inequities across the state that impact our health. visitors to the exhibit can help make a difference. you earn points and at the very end you can turn those points into real dollars and make a donation to your choice of ten charities that are making health happen across california. >> thank you. those meteorite hunters looking for the treasure from wednesday night's flash in the sky need to look north instead of east. go north, young man! these people were searching in martinez yesterday. no, no, no. you're in the wrong spot. nasa says it is likely a large chunk of the rock survived and the debris field is likely on land somewhere in the north bay. scientists say that the trajectory was from south to, guess what, north. >> north. >> there you go. [ laughter ] speaking of north, south,
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east, west, anywhere you look, the weather was completely different today than yesterday. >> what a change. simply because the winds shifted to a westerly flow. northwest ken. we had temperatures running about 10 or 15 degrees cooler. here are the numbers. look how different they are today. gone are the 80s and 90s. instead 67 for oakland. 66 for san jose. 63 for san francisco. 20 degrees cooler. and even livermore our warmest spot is about 15 degrees cooler today compared to yesterday. hi-def doppler the strongers radar in the bay area -- strongest radar in the bay area coming up dry now. sunday night rain approaching from the west. monday there will be a soaking widespread rainfall. that's you oakland, hayward, san mateo, rain is coming to the top of next week. that means in mid-october, late october, snow in the mountains. skiers, get ready. here comes winter. the greater lake tahoe under a winter storm watch next monday up to 12" of new snow as the snow level drops to 6,000 feet.
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overnight tonight, low 50s. vallejo 52, mountain view 54. high pressure is on the way out, low pressure on the way in. it will not get here for the weekend but by the top of next week low pressure slides down off to the west firing waves of low pressure into the bay area. rainfall not just monday but tuesday and also wednesday. there will be a rain chance. let's time it out with futurecast because so many of you have outdoor plans. big game coming up tomorrow. saturday we stay dry with some sunshine. sunday we're trending cloudier and futurecast is now picking up some of that rainfall moving in by monday morning. for tomorrow, first half of your weekend oakland 69 degrees which is normal concord a high of 76, san jose though only around 70. sunnyvale 70. redwood city 69. concord 76. benicia 77. napa for a wine tasting, mid- 70s for you tomorrow. partly sunny skies in san rafael 75. san leandro 70. and in the city, a high of 66 degrees for san francisco tomorrow. here's your extended forecast calling for a little bit
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cloudier conditions on sunday. rainfall likely monday through wednesday. we will not clear out until next thursday. here's something pretty interesting. a pop-up picnic. with more on that roberta gonzales is live tonight. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, paul. i'm outside the golden gate bridge at marina green and this is a flash mob. well, kind of sort of. it is le dinner ala san francisco. all these people back in march went online and bought tickets to a pop-up picnic at $25 apiece. then it was only 2 hours ago people were informed where to gather for the picnic. they bring the food, drink and must wear white. now, the only thing that's surprise supplied is the table and chairs. coming up at 6:00 we'll take you inside this big party. 4200 people are expected tonight. right here in marina green own though it's a foggy friday night. >> looks like a blast. thanks, roberta. how come we weren't invited. >> we didn't wear white.
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>> guess so. broke the rules. it's one thinghave a problem with a vehicle you have been driving for a couple of years ago. it's another thing when that vehicle is brand-new. cbs 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts with the story of a little mini with a big problem. reporter: >> well, it never really felt right to me coming to get it. >> reporter: you could say drew's relationship with his new mini got off to a rough start. >> i would have trouble getting it to go into gear. >> reporter: a week after he bought it, things got even worse. >> i pulled over and yeah, it was smoking like crazy. >> reporter: so drew, who suspected a problem with the clutch, called mini of concord and he couldn't believe their response. >> she told me it was my fault. >> reporter: and he says the mini dealer wanted at least $2,000 to fix his brand-new mini! now, this may sound a bit familiar. last year, we told you about another mini owner who said he got a similar response when his clutch failed after 13,000
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miles. >> they immediately put the blame on me. they called me an abusive driver. >> reporter: but drew only had 500 miles on his car. and these men aren't alone. other mini owners complain online they too were blamed for early clutch failures. but drew, who work in the auto industry, knew this wasn't his fault. so he called consumerwatch and our volunteer chuck took over from there. >> i think he got a runaround. >> reporter: he says in cases like this persistence pays off. >> bottom line is, don't subject yourself to the first response when it comes to a warranty issue on the clutch. >> reporter: chuck contacted everybody involved. two dealerships and two weeks later mini of concord replaced drew's clutch free of charge. >> it's great. no problem. >> reporter: now he is raving about the car and consumerwatch. >> thank you very much. it was a great help. >> that's what we're here for. >> reporter: it sure is. if you have a consumer problem, give us a call 1-888-5-helps-u. mini still insists this was a
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case of wear and tear even though the car was new and won't comment on the other cases of early clutch failure. on the consumerwatch, julie watts, cbs 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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afternoon. the cal berkeley band came to play for us ahd of the big gam the cbs 5 newsroom was treated to a cool surprise this afternoon the the cal-berkeley band came to play for us ahead of the big game against stanford. this is a 115th time they will play each other. the big game will be played in the new cal stadium tomorrow at noon. [ applause ] and i'm dana king. here's what we're working on for the 6:00 news. they want your vote but are they right for the job? what several politicians in one bay area city have in common raising the question, are they fit to make financial decisions? and it's been around for 70 years but soon, a bay area oyster farm might be forced out. the slimy invasion threatening its future and what critics say
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is fishy about the whole thing. those stories and more at 6:00. >> thank you. big game, thanks for watching the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" is next. ,,,, sleep train's best rest event is ending soon. don't miss your chance to get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee.
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but the best rest event ends soon at sleep train. superior service best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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